About us

About us

We manage investment portfolios on behalf of our clients over the long term and have held shares in some companies for over 20 years.


Our investment philosophy

The way we invest our clients' money has remained unchanged since 1988, we call this our Investment Philosophy. It is founded on the principle of good stewardship, by which we mean careful, considered and responsible management of our clients’ funds.

We invest our clients’ money into portfolios, which at Stewart Investors, are made up of the shares of different companies. This investment process is guided by our investment philosophy – a set of guiding rules and principles that our investment team and portfolio managers follow. 

Our investment team

We’re a dedicated and ambitious group of long-term investors with a shared set of values and a passion for investing in companies that are well positioned to meet the challenges of sustainable development.


Stewardship – it’s one of those financial industry words that means different things to different people. We acknowledge that, but it’s a word we’ve been using from the very start so we want to stick with it. But what do we mean by it? 


All our investment ideas are generated in-house and followed up through a rigorous research process as we seek good quality companies to invest in.