Worldwide strategies

Worldwide strategies

Our worldwide strategies are not limited to investing in specific regions, we are free to seek out the very best sustainability companies from around the globe. 

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This publication is provided by First Sentier Investors (Australia) IM Ltd (‘FSI AIM’ or ‘Stewart Investors’) in good faith and is designed as a summary to accompany the Product Disclosure Statement for the Stewart Investors Worldwide Leaders Sustainability Fund (‘the Fund’). The Product Disclosure Statement for the Fund is available from FSI, or FundRock NZ Limited (‘FundRock’ or ‘the Issuer’) and on or

FSI AIM forms part of First Sentier Investors, a global asset management business which is ultimately owned by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc (‘MUFG’). Stewart Investors is the name of an investment team forming part of the First Sentier Investors Group.

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All opinions reflect Stewart Investors’ judgment on the date of this publication and are subject to change without notice. This disclaimer extends to FundRock, and any entity that may distribute this publication. The information in this publication is not intended to be financial advice for the purposes of the Financial Markets Conduct Act2013 (FMC Act), as amended by the Financial Services Legislation Amendment Act 2019 (FSLAA).

In particular, in preparing this publication, Stewart Investors did not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any particular person. Professional investment advice from an appropriately qualified adviser should be taken before making any investment.

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance, unit prices may go down as well as up and an investor in the Fund may not recover the full amount the capital that they invest.

No part of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of Stewart Investors or FundRock. FundRock is the issuer and manager of the Fund. Stewart Investors is the investment manager of the Fund.

© First Sentier Investors Group

Our worldwide strategies

We launched our first Worldwide strategy in 2013, building on the decades of experience investing in the Asia Pacific and emerging markets regions. Our worldwide strategies are not limited to investing in specific regions, and so we are free to seek out the very best sustainability companies from around the globe. We are looking for companies with exceptional cultures, strong franchises and resilient financials, that are contributing to a better and more sustainable future for both people and planet.

We currently manage two worldwide strategies, with ‘leaders’ focused on companies with a market cap value of at least USD5 billion. You can find out more about these strategies below.

Worldwide Leaders

The strategy launched in November 2013 and became a dedicated sustainability strategy in October 2016. It typically invests in 30-60 global companies with a stock market value of at least US$5 billion.

Worldwide All Cap

This unconstrained investment strategy launched in November 2012, and is generally able to invest in 40-60 companies across the world that are contributing to a more sustainable future.

Strategy name changes

Please note, from 21 November 2024 Stewart Investors Strategy names will be updated as outlined in the table below. By 30 September 2025, the Stewart Investors NZ PIE Fund name will be updated to reflect these Strategy name changes. Please refer to this note for further information. 

Existing Strategy Name New Strategy Name
Worldwide Leaders Sustainability Worldwide Leaders
Worldwide Sustainability Worldwide All Cap