We invest in the shares of companies we consider to be of high-quality and that we believe are well positioned to contribute to, and benefit from, sustainable development.

We believe that fully incorporating sustainability considerations into our investment process is the best way to protect and grow our client’s capital. Subject to any exceptions (see below), we do not invest in companies with material exposure to harmful or controversial products, services or practices.

Material exposure disclosures

For instances of companies held across the Stewart Investors' strategies that generate revenue above our set materiality threshold for direct involvement in a relevant activity as outlined in this Position Statement see below.


We appreciate that our clients reasonably expect clarity on their exposure to negative activities. The table below includes information on the products, services and practices we find inconsistent with our investment philosophy.

For those products and services that generate revenue for a company, we have set a materiality threshold for direct involvement in the relevant activities of 5% of revenue (unless otherwise stated in the table below, e.g. production of tobacco has 0% materiality threshold).

For harmful and controversial practices like supply chain or employee issues, revenue thresholds are not possible; therefore, judgement and knowledge of the company are required in order to determine whether a company is materially exposed to such practices. 


We employ the services of external environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) research providers who review our portfolios and provide regular reporting on company involvement in harmful industries and breaches of social norms, like those found in the UN Global Compact. We also receive regular updates from controversy monitoring service RepRisk. These reports are reviewed by the investment team. 

Exceptions and transparency

Where we become aware of a material exposure to harmful or controversial products, services or practices prior to a new investment in a company or as part of its ongoing monitoring, we will:

  • engage with the company where we require further information or wish to encourage improved practices and an appropriate resolution of the issues identified; and
  • review the company research and investment case, noting the company’s response where we believe it is adequate.

If, following this review and engagement, we determine that an exception to this Position Statement would not be inconsistent with our assessment that the relevant company contributes to, and benefits from, sustainable development, we may decide to invest in or maintain our holding in the company. In such circumstances, we will disclose this on our website, together with the reasons for our decision.

We may make an exception to this Position Statement in the following circumstances:

  • if a company is winding down a legacy commercial activity (in which case the company will be engaged and encouraged to cease the activity concerned); or 
  • where the company is not increasing capital expenditure in relation to, or if a company is only indirectly exposed to, harmful or controversial products, services or practices; for example, a company making safety products for a wide range of industries may also have customers in the fossil fuel or defence industries.

Where engagement has been unsuccessful or where the harmful activities are part of a pattern of behaviour that raises concerns regarding the quality and integrity of the company’s management, we will not invest or will exit the Funds’ position in the company in an orderly manner having regard to the best interest of investors.

We will not make any exceptions in relation to our positions on the manufacture of Controversial Weapons (as defined below) or the production of Tobacco Products (as defined below).


Our approach

Environmental issues
Fossil Fuels

We will not invest in companies that have a material exposure to the exploration, production or generation of fossil fuel energy.

We define fossil fuels as coal, unconventional oil & gas (arctic drilling, oil sands, shale energy), and conventional oil & gas. The Funds consider exploration, extraction, power generation, transportation, distribution, refining or providing dedicated equipment or services as part of the value chain.

Nuclear power

We do not invest in companies materially involved in nuclear energy.

Environmental stewardship (see Further Information below)

We will not invest in companies that we reasonably believe wilfully or persistently neglect their environmental obligations, including their obligations under applicable laws, and the principles outlined in the UN Global Compact and other standards and independent assessments that we adopt from time to time. No materiality threshold applies to this item.

Alcohol (production)

We do not invest in companies materially involved in the production of alcohol products.

Tobacco (production)

We do not invest in companies involved in the production of Tobacco Products (this includes any company that owns a 50% or more interest in companies that any revenue directly from the manufacture of Tobacco Products (defined below)). This activity has 0% of revenue threshold. However, for wholesaling, distribution and provision of dedicated equipment and services to companies that produce Tobacco Products, we apply a 5% revenue threshold.

We define Tobacco Products to mean traditional cigarettes and other tobacco products, such as cigars, chewing tobacco, vaping and e-cigarette products.

(retail involvement and services)

We do not invest in companies materially involved in gambling operations or the provision of gambling opportunities.

(production and sales)

We do not invest in companies involved in the production of pornography or materially involved in the distribution of pornography. Production of pornography has a 0% revenue threshold and distribution of pornography has a 5% revenue threshold.

Animal welfare (agriculture)

We do not invest in companies that are materially involved in:

  • the export of live animals;
  • cruel production practices (e.g. revenue derived from factory farming); or
  • the trade of controversial animal products, such as ivory.
Animal testing
(cosmetics, chemicals, household products etc.)

We do not invest in companies that are involved in animal testing during the production of some consumer, medical, chemical and home and personal care products other than in the following circumstances:  

  • animal testing is done in accordance with ethical principles, policies, protocols and standards for the responsible treatment and welfare of animals; 
  • animal testing is required by regulatory agencies to limit risks to human lives and health; 
  • products require ingredients for which no suitable alternative methods of testing are available.
Sexual and reproductive health and rights

We will not invest in companies that discriminate against or seek to impinge on abortion rights for women. No materiality threshold applies  to this item.

Genetic research and stem cells

We will not invest in companies that are involved in research for the reproductive cloning of human beings or animals. No materiality threshold applies to this item.

Human rights

We do not invest in companies with poor records in relation to globally accepted human rights norms and standards, including modern slavery, child labour, capital punishment, indigenous rights and community impacts. No materiality threshold applies to this item.

Ethical employment practices including discrimination

We do not invest in companies where we have formed a view that they undertake unethical or discriminatory employment practices. In forming a view on this, indicators such as employee compensation, gender equity and diversity, employee turnover rates and safety records can be particularly insightful when evaluating people-related risks. No materiality threshold applies to this item.

Armaments (weapons, strategic and non-strategic products)

We do not invest in companies that are materially involved in the manufacture of armaments. This includes both Controversial Weapons and other armaments such as handguns. A 0% revenue threshold applies to Controversial Weapons (this includes any company that owns a 50% or more interest in companies that derive any revenue directly from the manufacture of such weapons).

Controversial Weapons mean anti-personnel mines, cluster weapons, biological and chemical weapons, depleted uranium, nuclear weapons and white phosphorus munitions.

Oppressive regimes (companies who have dealings with oppressive regimes)

We do not invest in companies where we have formed the view that they may be compromised as a result of their dealing with such governments we consider to be oppressive regimes. No materiality threshold applies to this item.

Bribery and corruption

We do not invest in companies where we have formed the view that there appears to be cultural or systemic weaknesses that we believe can lead to bribery and corruption being perpetrated. No materiality threshold applies to this item.


We do not invest in companies where we have formed the view that tax practices are persistently and systematically designed to undermine the integrity of tax systems.  No materiality threshold applies to this item.

Ethical conduct (customers, employees, suppliers and competitors)

We will not invest in companies where we have formed the view that 

the company abuses its relationships with its customers, suppliers and competitors, as we believe that such companies are equally likely to treat minority shareholders poorly, as well as carry with them significant risks of regulatory and consumer responses or compromising the sustainability of their supply chains. No materiality threshold applies to this item.

Material exposure disclosures

See below for instances of companies held across the Stewart Investors strategies which were above the materiality threshold in any of the relevant activities, as at 31 March 2024.

Air Liquide

Strategies held in: European Sustainability, European (ex UK) Sustainability

Activity exposure >5% revenue: Supporting Oil & Gas

Reason for exception/holding: The company produces essential gases which are necessary inputs for a variety of end customers including healthcare, chemicals, energy, manufacturing, electronics and food & beverages.

Our external research provider estimates that revenues from products and services supporting oil and gas accounted for 15% of Air Liquide’s overall revenue in FY2023.

Oil and gas revenues are within their large industries segment which is c.28% of revenue and includes chemicals, metals and energy.

The most prominent product sold to the oil and gas industry is hydrogen used to remove sulphur from material during refining. This has environmental benefits such as reducing acid rain. They also provide nitrogen to the oil and gas industry for safety purposes.

The company plans to further develop products to support the energy transition, including carbon capture and storage (CCS). They plan to invest EUR8 billion to reduce emissions from hydrogen production.

We will continue to encourage the company to both disclose revenue exposure to the oil and gas industry and expand their offering of products supporting the decarbonisation of the sector.

ESAB India

Strategies held in: Pacific Assets Trust

Activity exposure >5% revenue: Supporting Oil & Gas

Reason for exception/holding: The company provides welding and cutting equipment and systems for a variety of industries including shipbuilding and wind energy.

The company’s parent released its inaugural sustainability report in 2023, coinciding with its first year as an independent corporation, and does not yet directly report revenue by market segment. Our external research provider estimates that revenues from products and services supporting oil and gas accounted for 7.5% of ESAB India’s overall revenue in FY2023. We met with the parent company and based on our analysis of their product portfolio within the wider industry we believe the exposure to products and services supporting oil and gas within the India business will be lower than the external estimate. We also believe exposure to oil and gas will continue to fall in the coming years as the economy transitions further away from fossil fuels, and the company continues to focus on growing sales in renewable energy. We will continue to encourage the company to disclose segment revenue data.

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

Strategies held in: Asia Pacific Sustainability, Asia Pacific Leaders Sustainability, Asia Pacific including Japan Sustainability, Global Emerging Markets Sustainability, Global Emerging Markets Leaders Sustainability, Worldwide Leaders Sustainability, Pacific Assets Trust

UN Global Compact Principle 2 (Breach): Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses  

Reason for exception/holding: TCS has no direct involvement in nuclear weapons or energy, however our external research provider considers the company to be involved because its parent company, Tata Sons, owns greater than 50% of TCS. 

Tata Sons involvement is due to the company owning Tata Advanced Systems which acquired Tata Power’s Strategic Engineering Division. The Strategic Engineering Division provides control systems for the Indian Navy’s nuclear missile submarines.

As India has not signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the external data provider considers Tata Sons and by extension TCS to be in support of the nuclear weapons programme of India.

We disagree with this assessment and do not see anything in the activities or conduct of the company to question its sustainability positioning or the investment case.

Triveni Turbines

Strategies held in: India Subcontinent Sustainability, Pacific Assets Trust 

Activity exposure >5% revenue: Supporting Nuclear Power 

Reason for exception/holding: The company designs and manufactures steam turbines, with a focus on renewable, efficient industrial heat and power solutions.  

Revenues derived from products and services supporting nuclear power accounted for an estimated 5% of the company’s overall revenue in FY2023, according to our external research provider. 

Nuclear power exposure for supporting products and services was added by our external research provider in early 2024 and we contacted the company directly to check the 5% revenue estimate provided. Given their nuclear power exposure is related to servicing old steam turbines within the industry, the company estimates around 1% of revenue to be a more accurate reflection of their exposure. 

Selling restrictions

Not all First Sentier Investors products are available in all jurisdictions. This material is neither directed at nor intended to be accessed by persons resident in, or citizens of any country, or types or categories of individual where to allow such access would be unlawful or where it would require any registration, filing, application for any licence or approval or other steps to be taken by First Sentier Investors in order to comply with local laws or regulatory requirements in such country.

Further information

Normative screening 

Through the services of an external environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) research provider, we monitor investee companies compliance with the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (OECD MNE Guidelines) and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), as well as their underlying International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions and treaties.

Environmental issues 

Environmental stewardship 

Sustainable sourcing and environmental stewardship are critical considerations in our company analysis. We consider a range of factors when assessing a company’s environmental stewardship (including but not limited to): upstream and downstream pollution; waste management; resource consumption; water use and scarcity; emissions reduction; use of renewable energy; recycling successes; product lifecycles and their circularity; as well as attitudes and actions towards the protection, conservation, and sustainable use of biologically diverse ecosystems and habitats within operations and supply chains.

Forward contracts

While some of our funds have the ability to invest in forward contracts, we do not invest in these and would not purchase forward contracts on agricultural commodities for the funds.

Investment terms

View our list of investment terms to help you understand the terminology within this website.


Important Information

The information contained within this material is generic in nature and does not contain or constitute investment or investment product advice.  The information has been obtained from sources that First Sentier Investors (“FSI”) believes to be reliable and accurate at the time of issue but no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information.  To the extent permitted by law, neither FSI, nor any of its associates, nor any director, officer or employee accepts any liability whatsoever for any loss arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material. 

This material has been prepared for general information purpose. It does not purport to be comprehensive or to render special advice. The views expressed herein are the views of the writer at the time of issue and not necessarily views of FSI.  Such views may change over time.  This is not an offer document, and does not constitute an investment recommendation. No person should rely on the content and/or act on the basis of any matter contained in this material without obtaining specific professional advice.  The information in this material may not be reproduced in whole or in part or circulated without the prior consent of FSI.  This material shall only be used and/or received in accordance with the applicable laws in the relevant jurisdiction.

Reference to specific securities (if any) is included for the purpose of illustration only and should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell the same.  All securities mentioned herein may or may not form part of the holdings of First Sentier Investors’ portfolios at a certain point in time, and the holdings may change over time.

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First Sentier Investors (Hong Kong) Limited and First Sentier Investors (Singapore) are part of the investment management business of First Sentier Investors, which is ultimately owned by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (“MUFG”), a global financial group. First Sentier Investors includes a number of entities in different jurisdictions.

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