Sustainable investing

Sustainable investing

We are a small team of passionate investors managing, on behalf of our clients, investment portfolios with a focus on high-quality companies that are well positioned to contribute to, and benefit from, sustainable development.

Sustainable development - a driver of returns

We believe that companies that deliver benefits to society and the environment face fewer risks and have access to more enduring opportunities over the long term. These companies are therefore better placed to deliver positive returns to shareholders.

We call these risks and opportunities sustainability headwinds and tailwinds.

But we recognise that sustainability tailwinds alone will not make a successful investment. The quality of the franchise, financials and management of a company is also critical. We don’t choose between sustainability positioning and corporate quality, we require both.

We do this not only because we think it’s the best way to protect and grow our clients’ capital over the long term, but also because we want to promote positive and sustainable outcomes for society in general.

To us, these two things are inextricably linked. 

How we pick companies

We are active investors. We’re all analysts and each of us is charged with identifying good-quality companies to invest in for the long term.


Engagement is an important part of the day job for all of our analysts as it contributes essential insights to our bottom-up assessment of company quality.


Good stewards are more than good managers. They’re more than good leaders. They’re custodians who understand and carry out their responsibilities with integrity and respect for the people who rely on them and on whom they rely, and for the society around them.