Our team

Our team

We’re a dedicated and ambitious group of long-term investors with a shared set of values and a passion for investing in high quality companies that are well positioned to meet the challenges of sustainable development.        

We come from a wide variety of backgrounds and have a broad range of career and educational experience, from economics and civil engineering to international relations and languages.

We’re based in Edinburgh, London, Sydney and Singapore so we have easy access to companies around the world, but thanks to the wonder of technology we are nevertheless a tight-knit group.

We all work as analysts, with a broad remit. None of us are sector or country specialists and we don’t have allocated watch lists of companies. Rather, each of us generates investment ideas according to our own interests and participates in all aspects of the investment process, including research, analysis, engagement, monitoring and voting decisions.

That’s deliberate. We believe that, for our style of long-term, bottom-up investing, it is the art of questioning from diverse perspectives that is most likely to uncover the underappreciated risks and opportunities facing companies.

We also recognise that managers of companies will always understand their businesses better than we can, so we focus a significant amount of time building confidence that they have the integrity, competence and humility to do the job well. We need to be able to trust management teams with our clients’ capital.

We operate within a flat structure and our team culture is one of openness, transparency and collaboration, both among ourselves and with our clients.

Everyone is free to challenge the views of anyone else – and indeed is encouraged to do so – from day one. We believe this keeps ideas fresh and prevents institutionalised assumptions from taking hold.

We understand that nobody is perfect and act accordingly. We’re ever ready to learn from each other and from our mistakes, and to incorporate that learning into our investing.

Our team locations


Charlotte Toms -  Analyst

  • Joined Stewart Investors in September 2023 as a Graduate Investment Analyst.
  • She previously worked as an Associate Analyst at UBS Investment Bank for four years, across the Emerging Companies and ESG research teams. 
  • Charlotte holds a Bachelor of Business from the University of Technology Sydney, majoring in Finance and Sustainability.

Chris McGoldrick - Analyst & Portfolio Manager

  • Joined the team in September 2013.
  • Previously, Chris worked for a London-based investment bank where he was a research sales specialist in Asian equities. Before that he worked as an analyst at Baillie Gifford and Edinburgh Fund Managers.
  • Chris has an MSc in Finance and a First Class Honours degree from the University of Edinburgh.

Clare Wood - Portfolio Specialist

  • Clare Wood joined the team in March 2023 as a portfolio specialist.
  • Previously Clare was Global Head of Product for First Sentier Investors and has experience in investment analysis, investment risk and portfolio management.
  • She has a BSc and a PhD in Mathematics both from the University of Sheffield.

David Gait - Analyst & Senior Portfolio Manager

  • Joined the team as a graduate in 1997.
  • He is lead manager of Asia Pacific Leaders Sustainability and Asia Pacific Sustainability strategies, as well as Pacific Assets Trust.
  • David holds an MA with honours in Economics from Cambridge University, and holds a Master of Science in Investment Analysis from Stirling University.
  • David sits on the Stewart Investors Board.

Douglas Ledingham - Analyst & Senior Portfolio Manager

  • Joined the team in October 2013, having been an intern with the company during 2013.
  • Douglas is lead manager of the Asia Pacific and Japan Sustainability strategy.
  • He holds an MA in Business Studies and Accountancy from the University of Edinburgh.

Jack Nelson - Analyst & Senior Portfolio Manager

  • Joined the team in September 2011 as a graduate. 
  • Jack is lead manager of the Global Emerging Markets Leaders Sustainability strategies.
  • He holds a MA (Oxon) in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Queen’s College, Oxford. 

Lorna Logan - Analyst & Senior Portfolio Manager

  • Joined the team in July 2017.
  • Lorna is Lead Manager of the European Sustainability strategy with Rob Harley.
  • Previously, Lorna worked in various roles at Colonial First State Global Asset Management (now First Sentier Investors), and prior to that, worked as a management consultant.
  • Lorna holds a Masters in Sustainability Leadership from the University of Cambridge and a BA (Hons) in Business and Psychology from the University of Strathclyde.

Nick Edgerton - Analyst & Senior Portfolio Manager

  • Joined the team in April 2012, following two years in the First State Investments group (now First Sentier Investors).
  • He is lead manager of the Worldwide Sustainability strategy.
  • Previously, Nick worked as an analyst with the Sustainability funds at AMP Capital Investors, and has experience as a consultant, public servant, and academic in sustainability and economics.
  • He holds a Bachelor of Economics from Macquarie University, and a Master of Science with Distinction in Ecological Economics from the University of Edinburgh.
  • Nick sits on the Stewart Investors Board.

Oliver Campbell - Analyst & Portfolio Manager

  • Joined the team in May 2014.
  • Previously, he was an analyst at CLSA for seven years and prior to that worked as a global emerging markets journalist.
  • Oliver holds a BA (Hons) in Chinese and Management Studies from the University of Durham, a Diploma in Chinese language from Renmin University of China and an MSc in Finance (Economic Policy) from the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London.

Pablo Berrutti - Portfolio Specialist

  • Joined the team in July 2019. 
  • Previously, Pablo was Head of Responsible Investment Asia Pacific at Colonial First State Global Asset Management (now First Sentier Investors), for seven years.
  • He is the founder of a not-for-profit library and resource centre dedicated to supporting a sustainable financial system. He is also the former Chair and a director of the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia and was on the management committee of the Investor Group on Climate Change for eight years.

Robert Harley - Analyst & Senior Portfolio Manager

  • Joined the team in October 2015. 
  • Rob is Co-Portfolio Manager of the European Sustainability strategy with Lorna Logan.
  • Previously, Rob worked in various investment management roles for ten years and in the not-for-profit sustainable development sector for eight years.
  • Rob holds an MSc in International Strategy & Economics from the University of St Andrews and a BA (Hons) in Political Science from the University of Natal, South Africa.

Sarah Sheard - Analyst

  • Joined Stewart Investors in September 2023 as a Graduate Investment Analyst. 
  • She was previously a Graduate Equities Analyst at abrdn, working across global, emerging market, and pan-European mandates. 
  • Sarah holds a BA, MPhil, and PhD in Classics from various colleges at the University of Cambridge. Her doctoral thesis focussed on the construction of gender and identity through Roman visual culture.

Sashi Reddy - Analyst & Senior Portfolio Manager

  • Joined the team in August 2007.
  • Sashi is lead manager of the Worldwide Leaders Sustainability strategy and the Indian Subcontinent Sustainability strategy.
  • Previously, he worked at Irevna Research, an Indian equities research house from 2005 to 2007.
  • Sashi has an engineering degree from the National Institute of Technology, Trichy and an MBA from the Schulich School of Business, York University in Toronto.
  • Sashi sits on the Stewart Investors Board.

Sujaya Desai - Analyst & Senior Portfolio Manager

  • Joined the team in October 2016 as a graduate.
  • Sujaya is lead manager of the Global Emerging Markets All-Cap Sustainability strategy.
  • Sujaya holds an MPhil in Development Studies from the University of Cambridge and a BA (Hons) in International Relations and Anthropology from Brown University.

Timothy Hay – Portfolio Specialist

  • Joined the team in April 2024 with 20 years’ experience in Global Emerging Market equities.
  • Previously he was at Somerset Capital Management for 16 years having started his career at Lloyd George Management in 2003.
  • He holds a BSc in Economic History and Economics from Manchester University and a Masters in Finance from INSEAD.

Tyler Thomas - Analyst

  • Joined the team in June 2022.
  • Prior to joining the team, from September 2021 Tyler was a graduate investment analyst with the St Andrews Partners team at Stewart Investors where he previously gained internship experience.
  • Tyler graduated with First Class Honours in Economics from the University of Durham in 2021.