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Proxy Voting Policy and Guidelines
We believe judgement is a better guide to voting than a rules-based approach. Our voting policy is based on a parsimonious set of principles and key considerations that in our judgement are likely to be applicable to all companies in the vast majority of circumstances.
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We believe judgement is a better guide to voting than a rules-based approach. Our voting policy is based on a parsimonious set of principles and key considerations that in our judgement are likely to be applicable to all companies in the vast majority of circumstances. However, we consider each voting exercise a bespoke process that should take into account the specific context, circumstances, dynamics and development of each company.
We believe an overly-specific and overly-prescriptive approach to proxy voting has drawbacks. First, it limits our ability to base our decisions on principles we cherish and to apply these principles to the circumstances of each company. Second, it overlooks that voting is often binary and blunt; it may only be possible to cast a single vote on matters that are often multi-faceted. Over-specifying requirements on each aspect of a remuneration policy is unnecessarily elaborate when we ultimately have to decide what our position is on balance.
Overarching principle: We vote every item on a case-by-case basis and with no pre-defined policy on how to vote certain events or issues.
We aim to: Use the voice that voting gives us ambitiously and positively, and to vote against proposals which in our judgement are likely to undermine positive outcomes.
Our investment philosophy is suggestive of certain points of principle that voting decisions should aim to embody and reinforce. We therefore support proposals that in our judgement are likely to:
- Encourage long-term decision-making
- Promote exceptional company cultures, strong franchises and resilient financials
- Encourage companies to contribute to a more sustainable future.
To bring about a more sustainable future, we support proposals that in our judgement are likely to:
- Promote sustainable development and responsible business practices
- Improve board and staff diversity
- Improve the quality of disclosure and reporting.
Our voting decisions on remuneration awards and policies are based on careful consideration of the following questions:
- Is the remuneration policy reasonable and simple?
- Is remuneration linked to long-term performance and is it helping promote long-term stewardship?
- Is the policy likely to result in excessive pay awards?
Our voting decisions on boards are based on careful consideration of the following questions:
- Does the board discharge its duties in the long-term interests of the company?
- Does the board strive for diversity of experience, skills, thought and opinion?
- Does the board have a functioning process to refresh and renew itself?
We recognise all auditing firms are imperfect, and that replacing one with another will not in and of itself result in a higher standard of auditing. We also recognise that long-term relationships may enable auditing firms to gain a good understanding of how companies operate and how they have evolved. However, we believe the risks of over-familiarity and complacency are significant enough that we vote against the appointment of auditors whose tenure exceeds 10 years of continuous service.
Procedures and process
- For every contentious proposal that comes up for a vote, we aim to engage with the company and seek to better understand the rationale and possible long-term implications of the proposal.
- If we decide to vote against a board recommendation, we explain in simple terms the rationale for our decision. This explanation is published on our website.
- If we decide to vote against a board recommendation, we explain our decision to the company verbally or in writing or both, and we decide any relevant engagement actions we may want to pursue with the company.
- We review our policy guidelines once a year, to stay fresh and to incorporate recent experience.
View our company policies for the Stewart Investors Stewardship and Corporate Engagement Disclosure Statement.
Investment terms
View our list of investment terms to help you understand the terminology within this website.
Important Information
The information contained within this material is generic in nature and does not contain or constitute investment or investment product advice. The information has been obtained from sources that First Sentier Investors (“FSI”) believes to be reliable and accurate at the time of issue but no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information. To the extent permitted by law, neither FSI, nor any of its associates, nor any director, officer or employee accepts any liability whatsoever for any loss arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material.
This material has been prepared for general information purpose. It does not purport to be comprehensive or to render special advice. The views expressed herein are the views of the writer at the time of issue and not necessarily views of FSI. Such views may change over time. This is not an offer document, and does not constitute an investment recommendation. No person should rely on the content and/or act on the basis of any matter contained in this material without obtaining specific professional advice. The information in this material may not be reproduced in whole or in part or circulated without the prior consent of FSI. This material shall only be used and/or received in accordance with the applicable laws in the relevant jurisdiction.
Reference to specific securities (if any) is included for the purpose of illustration only and should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell the same. All securities mentioned herein may or may not form part of the holdings of First Sentier Investors’ portfolios at a certain point in time, and the holdings may change over time.
In Hong Kong, this material is issued by First Sentier Investors (Hong Kong) Limited and has not been reviewed by the Securities & Futures Commission in Hong Kong. In Singapore, this material is issued by First Sentier Investors (Singapore) whose company registration number is 196900420D. This advertisement or material has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. First Sentier Investors, FSSA Investment Managers, Stewart Investors, Realindex Investments and Igneo Infrastructure Partners are the business names of First Sentier Investors (Hong Kong) Limited. First Sentier Investors (registration number 53236800B), FSSA Investment Managers (registration number 53314080C), Stewart Investors (registration number 53310114W), Realindex Investments (registration number 53472532E) and Igneo Infrastructure Partners (registration number 53447928J) are the business divisions of First Sentier Investors (Singapore).
First Sentier Investors (Hong Kong) Limited and First Sentier Investors (Singapore) are part of the investment management business of First Sentier Investors, which is ultimately owned by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. (“MUFG”), a global financial group. First Sentier Investors includes a number of entities in different jurisdictions.
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