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Engaging for change: Tackling plastic pollution in India
There is no escaping that plastic waste is a significant global environmental problem. India faces a particularly severe crisis, where around 15 million tonnes of plastic waste is produced every year¹. We have been investing in India for over three decades now, with a keen interest in a number of consumer goods companies due to the strength of their franchise, their stewardship and future growth trajectory. However, one area of concern has been their use of single-use plastic. In 2016 we initiated research on packaging sustainability which took us on a journey to help tackle the plastic pollution in India…
We believe that no company is perfect and as long-term shareholders, engagement, voting and research are key responsibilities for us. We see engagement as a way to mitigate business risks, protect against potential challenges and improve investment outcomes.
To engage effectively, it is important that we develop our own understanding of relevant industry best practices and approaches. This includes commissioning external research to help inform our engagement decisions. We feel our approach of quietly but resolutely making ourselves heard, as long-term partners in the business, increases the likelihood of achieving our desired outcomes.
Source : UNDP India